Safeguarding of our children and families is paramount at all times. If you have any concerns please report them immediately to our Designated Safeguarding Persons (DSP)
Our Safeguarding Governor is currently Mr. David Liddle
If the allegation involves the Head Teacher you may have a confidential discussion with the named Safeguarding Officer for schools Rebecca Phillips [email protected]
Or Chair of Governors – Mrs. Carrie Hunter [email protected]
Outside of school hours, if you have concerns or believe that a child is at risk of being harmed or neglected, please contact Single Point Of Access (Children’s Social Care) as soon as possible on 01978 292039 during office hours. Out of Hours, the Emergency Duty Team can be contacted on 0345 053 3116.
If you believe a child is in immediate danger, you should call the Police on 999 immediately
Domestic Abuse and Violence
Domestic abuse can have a devastating impact on the victims and their families, with children and young people at risk of serious harm to both their emotional and physical health.
Children who witness domestic abuse are at risk of both short and long-term physical and mental health problems. Every child will be affected differently to the trauma of domestic abuse.
For information and support on domestic abuse, please contact:
· Police: Call 999 press 55 when prompted if you can’t speak
· Refuge UK wide 24-hour helpline: 0808 2000 247
· Welsh Women’s Aid Live Fear Free 24 hour helpline: 0808 80 10 800. Text and online chat is also available.
· Wrexham Domestic Abuse Safety Unit (DASU): 01978 310203
· Men’s Advice Line. Freephone 0808 8010327