Since the Summer of 2021 we have run the Food and Fun programme which children from Year 2 to 5 can attend for free. It provides food and nutrition education, physical activity, enrichment sessions and healthy meals to the children in our school during the summer holidays. All activities are ran by either our dedicated team of Coordinators and Assistants or external agencies such as Active Wrexham, Fire service, Police force or specialist local companies.
Children are provided with breakfast, healthy snack and a hot lunch everyday Monday to Thursday for the first 3 weeks of the summer holidays. Also, as part of the program we welcome parents in every Thursday to enjoy a nutritious meal with their child.
The Food and Fun program is organised by Mr T. Owen and consists of 2 coordinators and 6 assistants, all of which are employed by the school throughout the year, which ensures the children have a familiar face when attending during the summer holidays.
As we have ran this for 4 consecutive years, we have been awarded with the Gold award which we are very proud of.