Illustration of Rhosddu School
Illustration of Rhosddu School

Class I

Welcome to the Class I homepage

The teachers in this class are Mr Owen (teaching Monday-Wednesday) and Mrs Davies (teaching Thursday and Friday). The Teaching Assistant is Mrs Koswaththage.

On this class page you will find all the information about what we will be learning this year as well as any other important information about the school day and things your child needs.

Important information

PE days: PE is usually on Wednesdays and Thursdays. PE kits should be in school at all times in case these days need to change for any reason. Please see our newsletter below for information about PE kits

Homework: This is set on a Friday and due in on a Wednesday. Further detail about homework and home reading can be found in our newsletter below.

Class Newsletter – an overview of your child’s learning in Class I

Useful links

Our children are taught to access work through Google Classroom and therefore homework is often given this way. We have some helpful guides and websites below…

Below is an overview for our current topic on Wrexham. Please note these are our initial ideas for the topic but this will change and adapt based on the interests of the children, the things they want to know and any other local events that might influence our learning journey.

To see a more detailed overview of our maths curriculum, download the file below