Back to School – March 2021
A copy of our plans for the return of KS2, on 15th March 2021:
25/8/20 – September School Plans
17/7/20 Information about Cares Club
Rhosddu Cares club will be open in September, as we have been throughout lockdown. Unfortunately we will have to reduce our numbers to 30 instead of 50 initially. Advanced booking is essential.
On the 1st and 2nd September 2020 you will be able to book your child’s place by telephone (01978) 318830, using the Cares Club option. We will be available to take your bookings from 10.00 am to 3pm.
Have a lovely summer holiday
Welsh Government guidance for returning to school in September
26/6/20 Welcome back – come on in!
19/6/20 IMPORTANT INFORMATION regarding the 4th week
Dear parents
The children’s annual reports will be sent out today electronically, to those parents who we have e-mail addresses for.
Thank you
Re-opening of school
Letters To Parents
4th June 2020
Messages off Mrs Young
Dear parents ,
Kirsty Williams Welsh Education Minister has announced today that schools will reopen to all year groups from Monday 29th June and will close from Monday 27th July. Once the Welsh Government sends the operational guidance to us next week we will be in a position to let you know when your child will be able to attend in a small group and share with you the measures we have in place. Rest assured we have been planning for a return in principle so are well underway in ensuring that the safety of pupils and staff are our utmost concern and priority.
Kind Regards
Mrs Young
20/4/20 Dear Parents and children, as you would be enjoying the last day of your Easter break I want to let you know we would dearly wish to see you back with us tomorrow. Teachers will be telephoning everyone over the next 2 weeks to see how you are getting on. We all miss you and are thinking of you. Keep safe and well and remember we are on hand to help if you are unsure of anything.
Kind Regards
Mrs Young
18/3/20 To all our pupils and parents. I hope you are all safe and well. We are thinking of you whilst you are learning at home. Remember we are available to help with any learning support that you need. We are adding links regularly to widen your access to interesting learning opportunities. It is also important to relax and spend family time together. I look forward to the time when we are back together as a school community.
Warmest regards from Mrs Young
Free School Meals updated information 20/4/20
Dear parent/carer
Firstly, can I thank you for your efforts in providing learning opportunities and supporting your children at home during these difficult and unprecedented times.
Since schools were closed for educational purposes on 20th March, the Council has been providing “Grab and Go” packed lunches for children eligible for free school meals through twelve distribution centres across the County Borough. This system was introduced as an interim measure to give time to develop a system which will reach more families whose children receive free school meals when attending school and will continue upto and including Friday 1st May.
As from Monday 4th May, the Council will be introducing a Direct Payment system where parents will receive a payment into their bank account on a monthly basis equating £19.50 per week for each eligible chid in the family.
This will enable parents to purchase food for their children and reduce the necessity to make daily visits to the distribution points and also reduce travel across the Borough. For the children of critical workers and vulnerable children in receipt of free school meals who are attending school and are currently in receipt of free school meals, this scheme will also apply and parents will be required to pay for the meal in school should they wish their child to have one or alternatively provide a packed lunch though using the finance provided.
Parents with children who receive free school meals are strongly encouraged to register through completing the registration form accessed through Council’s website at…/Free_School_Meals_____Di……/Free_School_Meals_____D…
Applications will open from 9am on Monday 20th April, and will close on Friday 1st May 2020 at 5pm. Payments for those who qualify will be made on Wednesday 6th May. Applications made after the closing date above, will not be paid in May.
Should there be any queries, please contact [email protected]
Yours sincerely,
Ian Roberts
Chief Officer; Education and Early Entitlement
Distance Learning Website Links
Distance Learning Update 17/4/20
Key Stage 2
Dear parents of Key Stage 2 pupils (Year 3 – Year 6)
We hope that you have been able to have an enjoyable Easter. Your children should still have school work that they can continue with over the next 2 weeks and we have also put resources on our Facebook pages that they can access. As you may be aware from a statement from Kirsty Williams (Education Minister for Wales), the Welsh Government ‘will be providing national guidance and tools for children learning at home…….It includes guidance for teachers on supporting pupils and for parents on how they can help their children’.
At Rhosddu, we have already begun to look at distance learning and we are awaiting further information from the WG. When we know more we will be telephoning every parent to give them further information. If your contact details have changed since filling in the contact form, please let us know.
Also, if your child does not have access to a PC, laptop, tablet etc. which means that they will not be able to access online learning, please let us know.
Please remind your children (Year 3-Year 6) that they need to log onto their account at (their log in details were sent home with their packs) as there are many activities to choose from and that their teachers will be keeping in touch through Hwb for the time being.
Thank you again for your support
Foundation Phase
Dear Parents of Foundation Phase (Nursery – year 2), we will be providing online resources to support learning from Monday 4th May. The School Curriculum is currently suspended. However, as a school we would like to support our families by providing learning opportunities that will focus on revisiting and enhancing our children’s skills. Therefore, the Foundation Phase Team has decided to use Seesaw as a learning platform for the children to log in and complete weekly tasks. Your child’s teacher will be contacting you by phone to provide login details and instructions. Please contact the school if your contact details have changed. In preparation for this you may wish to have the free Seesaw Classroom App downloaded ready or you can access the platform by using the website We look forward to explaining this further with you next week. Thank you for your continued support
Wrexham Family Information Service
Resources off our Educational Psychologist for parents and children
Key worker update
Just after 2.30pm an extended list of criteria for key workers from Welsh Government was issued to us from Ian Roberts Chief Officer for Education and Intervention. His letter to Parents is below. Please read alongside our information and complete the key worker form detailing the criteria that applies from the extended list .
Home Learning Packs
If your child is still in school we are sending home learning packs out today. These should be opened only if and when the school is directed to close by Welsh Government.
If your child is already self isolating at home the packs are available to collect from school. If you are able to arrange for someone to pick up this pack on your behalf they can be collected from the office.
Please can you ensure that any resources they bring home e.g. reading books, etc are returned to school when normal service is resumed- whenever that may be!
Thank you for your continued support.
A message off Gareth Metcalfe
Live Lessons
When schools do close, I want to keep alive the sense of community that comes from engaging in learning maths together – of having a shared experience. I also wanted to help families keep a sense of routine by sharing lessons at the same time every day. Whilst I plan to record lessons and upload them onto my YouTube channel (which I created this afternoon), I hope as many people as possible watch the lessons live to enjoy that shared experience. I also want to really engage children in rich, thought-provoking challenges and be an uplifting presence!
Soon, I’m going to create a short YouTube video to introduce myself to children/parents and explain all about the videos. At a guess, each live lesson will be 20 minutes long. They will build understanding of the mathematics in small steps, they will be interactive and they will all introduce a rich task for the children to complete independently. Further guidance (and answers) will be shared on my website for children to self-assess their work. Provisionally, the lesson aimed at Y3-4 may air at 9:15am and the Y5-6 lesson at 10:00am.