Summer Term
Outdoor Learning Week
During outdoor learning week Nursery and Reception have been busy sprucing up our outdoor area. It’s been a busy week gardening, painting, cleaning and having a move around.
The children have worked brilliantly together, developing their social skills, gross motor skills and problem solving as well as having lots of fun!
Early Foundation Phase have had great fun on the field, exploring the overgrown beds looking for bugs and talking about the different parts of the weeds we dug up. Once the beds had been cleared, the children sowed some wildflower seeds which will hopefully attract the bees and butterflies. A scarecrow was made to keep the birds away until the seeds start to grow!
The children had fun working together to build dens, more problem solving and measuring needed here and playing parachute games
We also enjoyed some calm time on the field too, weaving natural pictures using long grass, sticks and dandelions.
Welcome Back!
It has been lovely to welcome back our Reception children and meet our new Nursery and Reception children. It has been a busy few days and I don’t know about the children, but we are certainly tired!
Please could we remind parents to send in a healthy snack, clearly labelled with the name of your child to avoid confusion (and upset.) Milk / water is provided and will be given to the children during the day.
All children should have their PE kits (Blue / black shorts, white T-shirt and pumps – not trainers) in school ASAP please. These will be sent home half termly.
Nursery and Reception children will need a pair of Wellington boots, clearly labelled with their name (to be left in school) and should bring in a warm, waterproof coat as we use the outside areas and field as an extension to our classroom.
We are looking forward to another exciting year and thank you for you co-operation and support.
Mrs Grindley, Miss Green and the Early Foundation Phase Team